
SEO for percentage of sales

We are getting that kind of offers from time to time. To do SEO optimization for client, just not to be payed monthly but to get percentage of sales. If your question is do we do that, the answer is – it depends. We do in some cases. What situation can be suitable for that kind of contract?

outsource SEO to Eastern Europe
SEO percentage of sales

You have e-shop or some similar business model

That is a sign we might consider doing SEO for percentage because we can track sales easy. If buyers have to order your product or service by website and there is a track of sales recorded in some CMS or other kind of admin panel, that is great.

Your company have some history

If you are new in business, it’s harder to make arrangement. No offence, but we are more confident to invest our time and money in doing business with already established business. If you exists at least few years, even just offline and recently you started online, you are welcome to contact us and offer percentage of sales for our SEO services.

SEO for sales
"Today, to be good in SEO is not enough. You have to be excellent!"
Aleksandar Ratkovic
Neparno 10 founder

let us get you more customers

Our job is to make you visible on top of Google and to get you more customers/clients.

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